Label201 presents #Unnature, an exhibition of #art and #design on the relationship between nature and artifice and its dark side.

Unnature is the exhibition created by #Label201 in the Portuense 201 studio, this beautiful location is situated in an historic farmhouse survived over the centuries in the center of Rome, a few steps from the #Macro #Testaccio museum . The ancient structure now has been converted as studies for artists, designers and creatives.

Part of the exhibition (which will go on until December 7, 2018) it's the couple of " design ScuIpture" made for Superology In collaboration with the street artist Lucamaleonte. I've designed and #handbuilt with steel Rods and 3D printed parts the unusual canvas, on which, Lucamaleonte has painted with his unmistakable style.

These to beautiful sculptures are now for sale (with private negotiation), if you are interested contact